Prices 2015

Apartment Romantik I:

Periods:    As of January 2015
05.01.2015 to 31.03.2015   69,-€ p. day, season A
01.04.2015 to 31.10.2015   79,-€ p. day, season B
01.11.2015 to 18.12.2015   69,-€ p. day, season A
19.12.2015 to 02.01.2016   79,-€ p. day, season B
Minimum stay:   5 nights (season A), 7 nights (season B)
Special offer:

10% discount on booking of both apartments in a block
10% discount on booking 2 weeks in a block
In each case arrival and departure only on Saturdays!

Prices: Valid for 2 persons, each additional one + 9,-€ / day
Extra: Internet access (WiFi): 10,- € per week
Deposit: 100,-€ per apartment and rent period
Pets: Lump sum charge per pet for extra cleaning 25,-€

Apartment Romantik II:


   As of January 2015

05.01.2015 to 31.03.2015

  59,-€ p. day, season A

01.04.2015 to 31.10.2015

  69,-€ p. day, season B

01.11.2015 to 18.12.2015

  59,-€ p. day, season A

19.12.2015 to 02.01.2016

  69,-€ p. day, season B

Minimum stay:

  5 nights (season A), 7 nights (season B)

Special offer:

10% discount on booking of both apartments in a block
10% discount on booking 2 weeks in a block
In each case arrival and departure only on Saturdays!

Prices: Valid for 2 persons, each additional one + 9,-€ / day
Extra: Internet access (WiFi): 10,- € per week
Deposit: 100,-€ per apartment and rent period
Pets: Lump sum charge per pet for extra cleaning 25,-€


Apartments are available at 03:00 p.m. on arrival day and need to be left until 10:00 a.m. on departure day.

Please note our prices include all linen, electricity, heating, water, cleaning and taxes.

Smoking permitted only outside the apartments.

Availability 2015
